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NAHT rejects government’s evidence to the STRB as inaccurate, misleading and incomplete

In our further evidence to the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB), NAHT has rejected the evidence on which the government bases its pay policy, which will deliver further real-term pay cuts to school leaders.  

Since 2010: 

  • Leaders' salaries have fallen in real terms by 15% against CPI
  • In today’s prices, that’s the equivalent of a pay cut from £48,363 to £42,195 for a leader on the minimum leadership pay point – the loss would be even greater for more experienced leaders at higher points of the scale.

The government’s plan is to uplift new entrant salaries (M1) by 8.9% in 2022/23 and 7.1% in 2023/24, but to reduce pay progression with lower rises for all other professionals, undermining the premium for experience and leadership.

For school leaders (and UPR teachers) the proposed uplift is 3% in 2022/23 and 2% in 2023/24.  

  • This means school leaders’ pay looks set to fall further in real terms. This could result in a 21% real-term pay cut to school leaders for the period 2010 to 2022/23 alone, and that’s assuming a 3% pay uplift from September 2022.
  • In today’s prices that would be the equivalent to a pay cut of £9,255 for a leader on the minimum leadership pay point – the loss would be even greater for more experienced leaders at higher points of the scale.



Find out more: read our supplementary evidence to the STRB.

Join the campaign: head to our pay campaign page, take action and make your voice count!


First published 28 March 2022