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Free CPD Webinars

Planning for retirement with your Teachers’ Pension Scheme


Book for Monday 12 August at 10.00am 

Book for Tuesday 26 November at 6.30pm 


What does retirement mean in todays world?

Retirement is an opportunity to reshape life around what is important to you and requires a clear plan to make the most of the opportunity.

You will be provided with important information about your scheme, including:

  • An overview of your Teachers' Pension Scheme and the benefits provided
  • What will the State Pension provide
  • Your scheme retirement choices
  • Increasing your retirement income
  • McCloud Judgement ruling and how it affects you
  • Your actions and next steps

This webinar will last between 30-45 minutes including a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. If you wanted to discuss any further questions in detail and privately, you will also be able to request a free no-obligation consultation with Wesleyan Financial Services.


Saving and Investing for your future


Book for Wednesday 25 September at 6.30pm 

Book for Tuesday 10 December at 6.30pm 


What does saving and investing look like in todays world?

Whether you are looking to start saving or put your money to work for you through investments, our webinar will give you a solid understanding on what is available to you on the market.

You will be provided with important information, including:

  • Clearing debts
  • What are you saving for?
  • Why invest and the risks involved
  • Taxation
  • Pound cost averaging

This webinar will last between 30-45 minutes including a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. If you wanted to discuss any further questions in detail and privately, you will also be able to request a free no-obligation consultation with Wesleyan Financial Services.


5 Steps to Financial Fitness


Book for Thursday 24 October at 6.30pm 


Managing your money in a way that allows you to meet not only your current needs but your long-term goals as well.

You will be provided with important information including:

  • Starting with a sound foundation
  • Income protection and other things to consider
  • The place you call home - protecting your home, mortgages and insurances
  • Building for the future - Planning, measuring progress and maximising your money
  • Building for retirement - What you get from the TPS and planning for your retirement
  • Your actions and next steps


This webinar will last between 30-45 minutes including a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. If you wanted to discuss any further questions in detail and privately, you will also be able to request a free no-obligation consultation with Wesleyan Financial Services.


Leading with Resilience: strategies to develop a whole-school mental wellbeing culture

Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

A NEW FREE webinar delievered online. This session will NOT be recorded but a transcript will be available.

'Resilience isn't about ignoring our problems or tolerating injustice. It's recognising that in any situation we have a choice on how we respond.'

The aim of the webinar is to support school leaders to implement a whole-school strategy for mental wellbeing, with resilience and community at its core.

We will introduce Teach Well Toolkit’s framework for promoting a positive culture of wellbeing and explore the competing tensions that weigh heavily on the shoulders of school leaders.

We will address the following questions:

  • What are the contributory factors to  staff mental health?
  • How do we recognise burnout and safeguard against it?
  • How can we measure levels of individual and whole school wellbeing?
  • How can we support ourselves as school leaders so that we have the resilience to lead our staff teams?
  • What whole-school strategies can we use to create a supportive school community?
  • What do we need as school leaders to make a firm, confident commitment to a staff a wellbeing strategy?


Introduction to effective and efficient governance for new and aspiring Headteachers

Time: 9:30am - 11:00am

A NEW FREE webinar delivered online, and a recording will be available for up to 30 days

Are you a new or aspiring headteacher looking to enhance your skills and excel in your role? Look no further! An Introduction to Effective Governance for New and Aspiring Headteachers, is a comprehensive interactive webinar designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to lead with confidence and success.

Join us and unlock your full potential as a leader in education. Listen to an expert from the National Governance Association about the key elements to governing effectively in a school or trust.

An effective partnership between the board and senior leader is fundamental to ensuring your school is robust, efficient, and providing strong outcomes for children and young people.

This new training session is specifically designed for those new or aspiring to headship and explores practical approaches for successful collaboration between you and your governing board.

NGA will share real-world methods, tools and ideas to ensure you get the most out of your governance structure through effective reporting, communication, and accountability.

With 80,000 members, NGA uses their research and insights to provide trusted information, advice and professional development to support governing boards, MATs and organisations. Our subject matter experts have real-world in-depth knowledge and offer practical solutions that will help you get a head-start on a new and complex relationship.


