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NAHT mentoring scheme



Become a mentor or mentee today


A leader's career can be a long, winding road, so we want to support this community the best way we can. One such way is by facilitating contact between leaders at various stages of their career allowing them to share best practice and invaluable guidance. By working together and tapping into all this knowledge we can make education the best it can be.

NAHT's Mentoring Platform, free to all NAHT members, provides a space for school leaders to share and gain knowledge that will benefit those starting their leadership journey as well as seasoned leaders.


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As a mentee, you will: As a mentor, you will:
Receive independent advice about your expectations and professional development. Develop your coaching and mentoring skills, which can contribute towards your continuing professional development (CPD) plan.
Develop the capabilities and skills needed to succeed. Pass on your experience as an employer or employee.
Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and the best way to use these in your career as a leader. Use your communication and leadership skills and industry knowledge.
Develop knowledge of discipline-related and non-technical skills, which could contribute towards your continuing professional development (CPD) plan. Gain a new perspective on your professional and personal experiences.
Access support, professional development, guidance, and networking opportunities. Gain the satisfaction of helping others and contribute to the improvement of the guture of education.
Overcome challenges with the support of a mentor who has been through the same experiences. Build your professional network.


Click here to discover how the Mentoring Plaform works.

Find out more and register for the scheme



This is an online only platform, so please report any issues to mentoring@naht.org.uk

The NAHT Mentoring platform has been designed in association with PLD mentoring

