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Pay, pensions and conditions

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Everything you need to know about school leaders' pay, pension rates and conditions of employment. 

Have a question about your pension? Email pensionsadvice@naht.org.uk.

Pension fact sheet six - early retirement This fact sheet provides advice and guidance on how and when members of the Teachers' Pension Scheme (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) are able to collect their benefits earlier than their... 07 August 2020

Pension fact sheet seven - ill-health retirement This fact sheet provides advice on all aspects relating to consideration and application for ill-health retirement for members of the Teachers' Pension Scheme (England, Wales and Northern Ireland). 07 August 2020

Pay appeals The purpose of this advice note is to set out some practical guidance for dealing with pay appeals from staff. It focuses on the roles of the head teacher, the pay committee and the pay appeals... 18 October 2019