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Project deSHAME: resources for teachers and parents to tackle peer-based online sexual harassment

Project deSHAME, coordinated by Childnet and co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the EU and Facebook, aims to tackle peer-based online sexual harassment by empowering local communities to work together to increase reporting among young people.

Childnet has developed a range of resources for parents and carers as well as educators to be able to engage in meaningful conversations with children and young people on the subject of online sexual harassment. These resources can be tailored to teenagers or children between nine and 12 years old and aim to engage everybody on how they can reduce and prevent online sexual harassment. 

Free resources include:

  • an advice leaflet for parents and carers of nine- to 12-year-olds
  • film highlighting the issues that children can face when they want to tell adults about their experiences
  • lesson toolkit for educators containing a teaching guide, lesson plans, quick activities and quizzes.

Feedback from schools that trialled the lesson toolkit has been overwhelmingly positive, detailed in Childnet's impact report. Young people said that they had found the lessons interesting and had learned something as a result, as well as reporting that the lessons had made them consider the impact of their own online behaviour towards others.

First published 31 March 2021