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DiverseEd Diversity Roundtables

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Launched in 2018, Diverse Educators is a grassroots community and a series of events. It was co-founded by Bennie Kara and Hannah Wilson, who also co-founded #WomenEd.

The organisation aims to support and press for:

  • more diverse teachers being recruited into teaching, and being retained
  • more diverse leaders progressing to middle leadership, senior leadership and headship
  • more diverse governance at school and trust level.

You can read more about the work of DiverseEd here.


NAHT is part of the DiverseEd Diversity Roundtables.  Started in July 2020, these are held quarterly and are attended by a wide range of national stakeholders, with the aim of having a system-wide strategy for collaborating on a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy in schools.


In March 2021, as part of the DiverseEd Roundtable collective, we wrote to the Department for Education to highlight our concerns about the decision not to extend the equality, diversity and inclusion hub funding, and to press for clarity on what alternative support might be provided. As of June 2021, we have not yet received an acknowledgement of our concerns. We therefore agreed to publish the letter, in the hope that we can move this conversation forwards.

First published 02 June 2021