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Myth-busting the Reading Framework

with Megan Dixon

With the aim of exploring the Reading Framework (DFE 2021) this session will provide an opportunity to understand the research evidence based that underpins the successful development of early reading.  The session will provide an opportunity for practitioners, teachers and leaders to reflect on their settings in the light of research and proven evidence-based practice.


  • To consider the implications of the Reading Framework (DFE, 2021) and other recently published documentation
  • To develop an understanding of the research exploring the development of spoken language, reading, writing and leading the development of early literacy
  • Learn how to evaluate your current position in setting with reference to the Reading Framework (2021)

Facilitators Profile:

Megan has a wealth of school leadership, school improvement and policy experience, including working for the Education Endowment Foundation and as a Local Authority consultant, as a Head Teacher, teacher trainer, consultant and a teacher. She has balanced a career in school with an academic career and is currently studying for a PhD exploring the teaching of reading comprehension at the University of Sussex, UK. Megan writes a weekly column for the Times Educational Supplement, regularly presents at conferences, and is often found writing in collaboration with researchers and academics
