Parental complaints – the art of the possible, with a model complaints procedure An overview of managing parental complaints, with advice on setting up an academies complaints procedure and a model complaints procedure that school leaders to adapt in their workplace. 06 March 2023
Sickness and other absences: a complete overview, including FAQs and a model policy for schools A sickness absence procedure, some answers to commonly asked questions and a model policy for schools to adapt. 02 March 2023
Menopause and a model menopause policy Advice for school leaders around managing the impact of menopause, with a model policy that can be adapted to meet the needs of a workplace. 03 February 2023
Model staff grievance policy and procedures: academy trusts A model policy that can be adapted to enable employees to raise concerns about workplace issues without fear of victimisation and repercussion, and to ensure all grievances are dealt with fairly, fully and objectively. 23 May 2022
Model staff grievance policy and procedures: maintained schools A model policy to enable employees to raise concerns about workplace issues without fear of victimisation and repercussion, and to ensure all grievances are dealt with fairly, fully and objectively. 18 May 2022