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Pupil support and safeguarding

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 Advice on how to keep your pupils safe and promote a healthy learning environment. 

Child criminal exploitation, including county lines, and child sexual exploitation: safeguarding pupils

NAHT members have highlighted concerns about the alarming increase in county lines and child criminal exploitation (CCE) and the response of other services when they are contacted about young people at risk. We have raised these challenges to the safeguarding of children and young people directly with the Department for Education and the Home Office.

Given that most children spend much of their time in educational establishments, schools have been identified as places where targeting can occur. Alternative providers (including pupil referral units) have been identified as vulnerable locations.

Both Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and Working Together to Safeguard Children include information on CCE and child sexual exploitation (CSE), and how schools should respond if they have concerns.  

The following resources may also be helpful to schools in safeguarding their pupils against CCE and CSE.

Child exploitation disruption toolkit

The Child exploitation disrutpion toolkit has been developed to support frontline practitioners to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation. 

The toolkit is split into two sections: Supporting problem profiling and sharing information, and Measures that can be used to disrupt child exploitation. 

The toolkit is clear on what actions should be considered by agencies, including the police, in local areas where schools have concerns in relation to their pupils. These include:

  • briefing staff with identities, photos, and vehicle details of potential perpetrators
  • providing child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation awareness sessions to all members of staff and pupils
  • allocating a police officer to be a point of contact for school staff who may have concerns about exploitation activity
  • having regular meetings between police, local authority, and the school designated safeguarding lead to discuss concerns and an action plan for safeguarding pupils
  • ensuring staff are aware of how to report and submit information to police and social care
  • recording all unauthorised absence incidents, especially for those young people subject to child sexual exploitation concerns
  • providing high visibility patrols at relevant times by school staff and police

Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines

The Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines guidance, primarily aimed at frontline staff who work with children, young people and potentially vulnerable adults, outlines what county lines (and associated criminal exploitation) is, signs to look for in potential victims, and what to do about it. The document is a supplement to an organisation’s existing safeguarding policies, to help identify and protect those exploited through this criminal activity.

Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners

The Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners guidance defines child sexual exploitation, potential vulnerabilities and indicators of abuse and appropriate action to take in response.

First published 07 November 2022