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You are Not Alone: Leaders for Race Equality



In 2021, members of our Leaders for Race Equality Network, developed a short book entitled You Are Not Alone. This book shared the experiences of 14 NAHT members from Asian, African, Caribbean and multiple backgrounds, who outlined some of their stories of the discrimination faced as both leaders and individuals through school, university, interviews and promotion.

The impact of the book was such that it has now been picked up by publishers Taylor & Francis, and an expanded edition, including advice and guidance for schools on creating inclusive environments free from racism and discrimination, will be released in late 2024 to purchase.

NAHT Leaders for Race Equality

NAHT Leaders for Race Equality is open to all Black, Asian and minority ethnic NAHT members, across all roles, phases and sectors, including those who may have retired from the profession. The network provides a space for these members to come together to discuss the experiences and issues facing them as school leaders within NAHT and the profession more widely.

The knowledge and experience from the network aim to inform and deepen NAHT's expertise. It will also ensure we strengthen our representation for Black, Asian and minority ethnic members.

If you would like to join, email organising@naht.org.uk to find out more.




First published 24 June 2021