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Curriculum, assessment and qualifications

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NAHT is working to ensure that the curriculum supports the learning, progress and success of all pupils. NAHT supports the principle that a broad and balanced curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

NAHT is campaigning to: 

Support schools to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for their pupils

  • Challenge the government policy, including EBacc, which may narrow the curriculum
  • Enable and support schools to successfully deliver statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education
  • Lobby for improvements to government policy which supports schools to deliver inclusive education and fulfil their responsibilities under the public sector equality duty
  • Support schools to deliver effective careers education for all pupils
  • Support schools to deliver high-quality Religious Education to all pupils
  • Provide guidance, materials and information to support schools in educating pupils about environmental issues.

Ensure a valid and proportionate approach to statutory assessment in primary schools

  • Lobby the government to reconsider the introduction of the multiplication tables check
  • Lobby the government to ensure changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage and Early Learning Goals are appropriate and relevant for the early years sector
  • Influence the development and implementation of the reception baseline assessment
  • Support members to implement the new statutory assessment for pupils with SEND
  • Identify and challenge the STA over any impact on members of the contract change to deliver statutory assessment in the primary phase
  • Engage with the STA to influence changes and improvements to statutory assessment including moderation and maladministration
  • Campaign for KS2 SPAG to be made non-statutory and oppose any additional statutory testing in the primary phase

Ensure the KS4 and KS5 qualification framework and examination system is fit for purpose

  • Press the government, Ofqual and exam boards to ensure that reformed qualifications, both academic and vocational, meet the needs of all pupils and schools
  • Explore the issue of grade reliability, identifying solutions and improvements which are supported by members and pressing the government and Ofqual for appropriate action
  • Inform members of the latest developments in secondary assessment through engagement with Ofqual, JCQ and awarding organisations. 

Tackling sexual abuse and harassment

Join the Department for Education (DfE) and subject experts for a series of three 90-minute webinars on Wednesday 2, 9 and 16 March, all starting at 4pm, to support high-quality delivery of relationships, sex and health education (RSHE). The webinars will focus on three important topics: domestic abuse, pornography and sexual exploitation. 

The DfE wants to support teachers to tackle the serious issues raised by the 'Everyone's Invited' website and Ofsted's review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges.   

The RSHE curriculum provides an excellent vehicle to create a whole-school culture change and promote pupils' safety and well-being. The knowledge pupils will gain from RSHE will support their own, and others' well-being, and help them build positive and safe relationships. 

These events will provide an opportunity for teachers, teaching assistants, designated safeguarding leads, SENCOs and PSHE leads in schools and local authorities to hear from experts who will share their knowledge and experience of delivering these sensitive topics in the classroom. 

Speakers include: 

  • Nicole Jacobs, Domestic Abuse Commissioner
  • Nanya Coles, SafeLives – Nanya is the Safe Young Lives Programme Lead who works to understand, design and develop learning and interventions which are informed by the voice and experiences of young people
  • Dr Elly Hanson, a clinical psychologist and researcher with expertise on pornography and the psychological underpinning of RSHE pedagogy 
  • The Safer Young Lives Research Centre at University of Bedfordshire 
  • The PSHE Association – the national association for PSHE/RSHE professionals 

These events are free to attend – please register at: orcula.com/tackling-sexual-abuse-and-harassment-in-schools/register

Please use the form above for new registrations. If you have already registered, please use the secure link found in your confirmation email to make changes or cancel your existing registration. If you require any technical support, please contact support@orcula.com and not DfE.

First published 28 January 2022